
5 Spring Interiors Trends an Expert Says Will Make Your Home Elegant

After using my home as a cocoon for the past few months, it’s only now, with the sun starting to filter through the windows once more, lightening up corners that have felt dark and cosy during the winter, that I realise that my interiors could use a little tender loving care. To be fair, I am still living in the midst of a year-long renovation, but I understand why anyone might want to give their surroundings a small refresh for the new season, regardless of the finish state of their home.

This doesn’t mean you need to call in the developers or consider a loan—there are small many ways you can breathe new life into your surroundings that can drastically alter how they look and feel. Of course, if you’re feeling up to the task, one of those solutions might be to dust of your brushes and give that wall you’ve been staring at a lick of paint (more on the colours to consider for this endeavour in a moment). However, there are plenty of low-lift ways to spruce up your interiors for spring. Just ask Sarah Spiteri.