#World News

Togo passes laws removing president's term limits

By Natasha Booty & Nicolas Négoce

Togo’s parliament has given final approval to a new constitution extending the President’s term, after critics denounced the move as a coup.

The West African country will move from a presidential to a parliamentary system.

President Faure Gnassingbé’s supporters argue the changes reduce his powers by transforming the presidency into a ceremonial role.

But the opposition said the reforms remove limits on his stay in office.

Their removal would enable him to remain president until 2031, they said, after which he would be appointed to the new position of “president of the council of ministers” – in effect prime minister – continuing his family’s 57-year rule.

President Gnassingbé came to power in 2005 after the death of his father, who had been president since 1967.

The constitutional changes were approved by lawmakers last month. But in the face of mounting public anger, Mr Gnassingbé paused the reforms and said they would be subject to further consultations.

Human Rights Minister Yawa Djigbodi Tségan had said that this move will “improve democracy in the country”.

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