#World News

Voyager-1 sends readable data again from deep space

By Jonathan Amos

The US space agency says its Voyager-1 probe is once again sending usable information back to Earth after months of spouting gibberish. 

The 46-year-old Nasa spacecraft is humanity’s most distant object.

A computer fault stopped it returning readable data in November but engineers have now fixed this.

For the moment, Voyager is sending back only health data about its onboard systems, but further work should get the scientific instruments back online.

Voyager-1 is more than 24 billion km (15 billion miles) away, so distant, its radio messages take fully 22.5 hours to reach us.

“Voyager-1 spacecraft is returning usable data about the health and status of its onboard engineering systems,” Nasa said in a statement.

“The next step is to enable the spacecraft to begin returning science data again.”

Voyager-1 was launched from Earth in 1977 on a tour of the outer planets, but then just kept going.

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