#World News

More arrests as US campus protests continue to spread

By Bernd Debusmann Jr in New York and Mike Wendling

Police have made arrests at Atlanta’s Emory University and University of Southern California cancelled a graduation ceremony as campus protests against the war in Gaza continue.

Emory officials said protesters not connected with the college entered the campus grounds early on Thursday.

Police used chemical sprays to disperse them when they refused to leave.

A week after protests began at New York’s Columbia University, they have spread to dozens of colleges in the US.

The Emory protesters said they were supporting Palestinians but also voicing their objection to a police training centre in Atlanta.

Plans for the centre have been controversial locally and the project has been dubbed “Cop City” by opponents.

In a statement, Emory said that outside protesters were later joined by “members of the Emory community” and that the group was “disrupting the university as our students finish classes and prepare for finals”.

Several dozen were arrested, the university said, but declined to give exact numbers or say if any had been charged with crimes.

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