#World News

Tourist fined for approaching walrus in Norway

By Nadia Ragozhina

A tourist visiting the Norwegian Arctic archipelago of Svalbard has been fined more than $1,100 (£900) for getting too close to a walrus.

Members of the public alerted the local authorities when they saw a man going onto an ice floe to approach the animal.

It’s against the law to approach the wildlife on Svalbard in a way that disturbs them.

The incident happened near Longyearbyen – the world’s northernmost settlement.

The Svalbard Environment Act stipulates that all traffic on the archipelago must take place in a way that does not lead to unnecessary disturbance of local wildlife – which include polar bears, seals, whales, reindeer and arctic foxes.

The governor has encouraged everyone to keep a good distance from walruses so that they are not disturbed and to avoid danger to people.

Police prosecutor Magnus Rindal Fredriksen told the BBC that parts of the incident were observed by several of the governor’s employees.

The incident happened “very close to Longyearbyen, at the bottom of the fjord”, said Mr Rindal Fredriksen, adding that the tourist, who is a Polish citizen and had arrived in the area on the same day, was brought to the governor’s office and paid the fine.

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