#World News

Little chance of change in the Kremlin as Putin is sworn in again

By Steve Rosenberg

He could probably walk it blindfolded.

For the fifth time Vladimir Putin will be taking the long walk through the Grand Kremlin Palace to the St Andrew’s Throne Hall. There he will take the oath of office and be sworn in as Russia’s president for a new six-year term

The route may be familiar, but much has changed since Putin’s first inauguration ceremony in May 2000.

Back then, President Putin pledged to “preserve and develop democracy” and to “take care of Russia.”

Twenty-four years on, the Kremlin leader is waging war against Ukraine; a war in which Russia has suffered heavy losses. At home, instead of developing democracy, President Putin has been curtailing it: jailing critics, removing all checks and balances on his power.

“Putin thinks of himself now as Vladimir the Great, as a Russian tsar,” believes Fiona Hill, a former White House national security advisor.

“If we took ourselves back to his first two presidential terms, I think we’d have a fairly favourable assessment of Putin. He stabilised the country politically and made it solvent again. The Russian economy and system were performing better than at any other previous time in its history.

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