
5 Tweaks to Make to Upgrade Your Skincare Staples for Summer, According to a Skincare Expert

It’s official, summer is (technically) here, and with the warmer months comes an increase in humidity and UV exposure that can make skin feel oilier and trigger flare-ups of hyperpigmentation, sun spots, and melasma. This is a totally different ball game to simply keeping skin well hydrated during the winter, but the good news is that keeping skin calm and balanced is totally achievable—all it takes is an understanding of how your skin’s behaviour changes in the summer.

According to facialist and skincare expert Tarryn Warren skin typically looks its best in the beginning of summer. “The heat brings more moisture to the surface and natural vitamin D in the skin sometimes helps to heal and improve some conditions like acne or eczema,” she explains. “However the first rays do catch a lot of clients out when they are still stuck on active winter routines and red noses, and peeling skin can also feature.”

Summer skincare essentials

As the summer progresses and we reach July and August, skin pigment is normally at its highest. “Clients tend to notice their melasma, freckles or sun spots the most by this point,” says Warren. “Also as the months accumulate so does the loading up of extra sunblock, heat, and pollution. Over time this starts to clog and block the skin resulting in more blackheads and spots. Makeup and hot days don’t go well together and this can start to increase acneic conditions.”