#World News

Serbia police search for two-year-old girl's body

By Guy Delauney

All day, and into the evening, people have been laying flowers in tribute to Danka Ilic in the main square of Bor, a copper-mining town in the east of Serbia.

Cuddly toys and balloons are next to the hand-written messages that people have placed in remembrance of the two-year-old girl. Votive candles flicker alongside them.

It is not clear whether those expressing their grief and condolences to Danka’s family are local residents or from further afield.

Her disappearance, the ensuing search and finally the confirmation of her death have led the headlines in Serbia since Danka vanished while she was playing at her grandfather’s house 10 days ago.

Two men – both aged 50 – are now in custody, suspected of murder. Police say they confessed to hitting Danka with their car.

They failed to call for assistance. Instead, apparently assuming she was dead, they put Danka into the vehicle and drove off.

Some of the details which have emerged are agonising.

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