#World News

Vatican stands firm on sex change and surrogacy

By Aleem Maqbool, BBC religion editor, and Laura Gozzi

The Vatican has reiterated its staunch opposition to sex changes, gender theory, surrogate parenthood, abortion and euthanasia in a text dubbed “Dignitas Infinita” (Infinite Dignity).

Other social themes, such as poverty, migration and human trafficking are also emphasised as being potential threats to human dignity.

The text was signed by Pope Francis.

The pontiff has often been criticised by Catholic conservatives over his perceived liberal stance.

Some conservatives have accused him of steering the Catholic Church too far away from some traditional teachings.

But for some liberals, he has not done enough to encourage to Church to evolve by any tangible measure on these questions.

In 2023, Pope Francis said transgender people could be baptised in the Catholic Church as long as doing so did not cause scandal or “confusion”. He also allowed priests to bless same-sex couples under certain circumstances, although the Vatican said it continued to view marriage as between a man and a woman.

Last year, the Pope directed the Vatican’s powerful doctrine office, and the new man steering it with whom he is close, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, to look at the complexities of “new questions” facing people in the world today.

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