#World News

Bogota begins water rationing amid severe drought

By Max Matza

About ten million residents of the Colombian capital Bogota are being forced to ration water amid crippling shortages due to a severe drought.

It comes as the El Niño climate phenomenon pushes reservoir levels to their lowest point in decades.

Officials have split the region around the capital into nine zones – each zone taking turns to switch off water services for 24 hours.

Hospitals and schools are exempt. The city’s mayor called the situation dire.

Restrictions announced earlier in the week came into force on Thursday. Authorities will reassess the situation every two weeks under the rationing plan.

“Let’s not waste a drop of water in Bogota at this time,” Mayor Carlos Fernando Galán said in a press conference to announce the measure.

“That will help us so that these restrictions can be lifted more quickly or reduced,” he continued.

A lack of rain and unusual heat has seen Colombia’s reservoirs dry up at an alarming rate.

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