#World News

EU proposes UK free movement deal for young people

By Paul Seddon

The EU wants to agree a deal with the UK to bring back some pre-Brexit rights to enable young people to live and work in each other’s countries.

The European Commission is seeking talks on a deal that would effectively bring back a version of free movement for people aged between 18 and 30.

The UK already runs schemes with some non-EU countries to allow people to come to the UK for up to two years.

It says it is open to extending that to individual EU member states.

But Downing Street says it prefers these country-by-country deals rather than an agreement that would apply across all 27 EU member states.

And Labour has said it has “no plans for a youth mobility scheme” if it wins the general election later this year.

A party spokesperson said it had already pledged “no return to the single market, customs union or free movement” if it takes office.

It added it wanted to improve the UK’s relationship with the EU by agreeing new arrangements for recognising work qualifications, trading food and agricultural products, and touring performers.

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