
Jimmy Kimmel Can’t Understand Why Trump Is Beating Biden In Polls: ‘How Could This Be?’


Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel is perplexed as to why Donald Trump is beating Joe Biden in the polls in a number of important swing states.

States that will be crucial to the outcome of the 2024 presidential election.

“How could this be?” he asks.

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Jimmy Kimmel Is Upset

Kimmel’s Wednesday night monologue focused on many ex-associates of Trump who have come out against him. Those individuals lead him to joke that the former president “doesn’t even lead in a poll of people who worked for him.”

The host said it gave him a “headache” after seeing polls released on Monday by the Wall Street Journal. Those surveys show Trump ahead of Biden in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.

Politico reports, “Former President Donald Trump has a slight lead over or is tied with President Joe Biden in seven swing states, according to new polling by the Wall Street Journal released Tuesday night.”

The story continues:

Trump’s lead in six of the seven competitive states varies, from 6 percentage points ahead in North Carolina to just 1 percentage point in Georgia, among surveyed respondents asked whom they’d support in a matchup between the two. Biden is tied with Trump in Wisconsin with 46 percent support each.

The margin of error for each of the states was plus or minus 4 percentage points. The poll was conducted by phone and text from March 17 to 24 and included 600 registered voters each from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Biden won six of the states in the 2020 presidential election, with only North Carolina going to Trump.

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Comparing Trump’s Approval Rating to Biden’s

Though it might confuse Jimmy Kimmel, it’s not a major mystery why Trump is ahead of Biden in general, not to mention the swing states.

The economy was better under Trump than it is under Biden. Furthermore, many other things were better under Trump than they are under Biden.

And many apparently feel this way. Just look at approval ratings.

More from Politico: “The survey also asked about both Biden’s and Trump’s approval in office. On average, respondents held a more favorable view of Trump’s time in office, with 51 percent saying they approved of the job he did, compared to 38 percent for Biden.”

This might be a mystery to elites like Jimmy Kimmel. It is no mystery to everyday Americans.

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