
New York Times Acknowledges Deep State, Says It’s ‘Kind Of Awesome’

The New York Times finally admits there is a 'deep state' but says everyone should appreciate it because it's "kind of awesome."
Mike Lee X

For a long time many on the Left, including the New York Times, talking about the ‘Deep State’ was mere rightwing conspiracy theory nonsense. The idea that there was an entrenched class of unelected bureaucrats manipulating society behind the scenes was just crazy talk, they insisted.

Now, apparently, the Deep State is awesome.

So declared a recent Times opinion video that tried to humanize the Deep State by profiling some who work within it.

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New York Times Starts By Trying to Make Trump Seem Paranoid About The Deep State

The piece is part article and video. The creators focused on former President Trump’s criticism of the “Deep State,” which is typically used to describe unelected bureaucrats in a negative fashion, a group he and his supporters believe works to harm his agenda.

The authors traveled to meet various federal government workers around the country to show how normal they are, implying that Trump is paranoid and crazy.

The article reveals, “As we met the Americans who are being dismissed as public enemies, we discovered that they are 
 us. They like Taylor Swift. They dance bachata.”

It continues explaining, “They go to bed at night watching ‘Star Trek’ reruns. They go to work and do their jobs: saving us from Armageddon.”

Fox News reported, “The corresponding video depicted brief interviews with individuals working at the Environmental Protection Agency, the Marshall Space Flight Center and other U.S. government agencies.”

“The piece continued, telling readers that they should support this ‘deep state,” the Fox notes.

The story continued:

“When we hear ‘deep state,’ instead of recoiling, we should rally. We should think about the workers otherwise known as our public servants, the everyday superheroes who wake up ready to dedicate their careers and their lives to serving us.” 

“These are the Americans we employ. Even though their work is often invisible, it makes our lives better,” the article declared, before warning that Trump plans on getting rid of many of these individuals if he returns to the White House.

“But if Donald Trump is re-elected and enacts Schedule F, that could change,” it stated, referring to the classification status that would make government workers easier to terminate as political appointees. “He would have the power to eviscerate the so-called deep state and replace our public servants with people who work for him, not us.”

The article concluded, saying, “In the video above, you’ll meet a few of our hard-working American public servants, and we hope you’ll agree that they’re not scary at all. In fact, they’re kind of awesome.”

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‘Perfect New York Times Headline’

Journalist and civil libertarian Glenn Greenwald had seen enough.

“Perfect New York Times headline,” he wrote. “Perfect expression of predominant US liberal ideology.”

He added, “Perfect illustration of the subservient relationship between corporate media and the US Government. Yes, it’s designed to be ‘playful’: to humanize the most powerful agencies. 10/10.”

Elon Musk called the Times “the mouthpiece of the state.”

Conservative personalities piled on.

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See! The Deep State is all cuddly and cute! It’s awesome!

Just ask the New York Times.

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New York Times Acknowledges Deep State, Says It’s ‘Kind Of Awesome’

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New York Times Acknowledges Deep State, Says It’s ‘Kind Of Awesome’

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