
Our Favorite New Children’s Book

all about us book by matt lamothe

Have you ever read This Is How We Do It? Matt Lamothe interviewed seven kids around the world and illustrated their lives — from what they ate for breakfast to what games they played. My kids were FASCINATED and would beg to stay up late to read more. Well, I’m happy to say that Matt just published another book

all about us book by matt lamothe

We were lucky enough to get an early copy of All About U.S.: A Look at the Lives of 50 Real Kids from Across the United States, and my boys have already pored over it 100 times. Our favorite spread might be this one of a family in Maine. How dreamy does that look?

all about us book by matt lamothe

The family in Alaska was also very intriguing — and they ride snow machines!

Matt interviews children from a diverse group of families — in terms of race, income, hobbies, number of siblings, family structure, you name it — so you see lots of different ways that kids grow up in America.

all about us book by matt lamothe

Amelia from Iowa gets to help her dad fly a plane!

all about us book by matt lamothe

Eleven-year-old Betsy gets in trouble for reading while driving her power chair.

all about us book by matt lamothe

I’ve always loved seeing the many ways people live in this world — which is why we did our Parenting Around the World series for so many years — and I can tell my kids are just as hooked. We’re planning to buy a stack of copies for birthday presents for friends and family over the next year!

What kids’ books have you been enjoying lately?

P.S. A foolproof birthday present (for $1) and three words that changed how I parent.

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