Spotify submits a new update to Apple with pricing information for EU users

Spotify said today that it has submitted a new version of its app for EU users with pricing information and basic site information. Critically, the version doesn’t contain the link to the website.
The music streaming company said it is not opting into Apple’s new DMA changes that charge a “platform fee” for developers with more than 1 million annual downloads.
The company said that the new update features bare minimum details that are in line with the European Commission’s ruling.
“Despite Apple’s attempts to punish developers with new fees, we remain committed to giving consumers a real choice in our app at no increased cost. That’s why we have submitted a new update to Apple. It features basic pricing and website information – the bare minimum outlined under the European Commission’s ruling in its music streaming case,” Dustee Jenkins, Spotify’s Chief Public Affairs Officer, said in a statement.
By charging developers to communicate with consumers through in-app links, Apple continues to break European law. It’s past time for the Commission to enforce its decision so that consumers can see real, positive benefits.”
The version is yet to be approved by Apple.
The story is developing…