
The Only 5 Products You Need In Your In-Flight Skincare Routine, According to An Esthetician

You want to maintain good skin while you travel—I’m an esthetician, I totally get it. But I also know that the few hours you spend in a germ-filled metal tube 30,000 feet above the earth isn’t the place for a 10-step skincare routine.

Granted, TikTok and Instagram are full of tutorials for lengthy in-flight skincare routines. However, providing you’ve sufficiently prepped your skin before your flight, there really is no need to commit to an extensive series of cleansing and moisturising steps while you’re in the air. Good news, your carry-on baggage just got a whole lot lighter.

In Flight Skincare Routine

While it’s true that planes are an incredibly dehydrating environment, the best thing you can do for your skin is pack in the moisture before you travel. Spend the 24 hours before your flight focussing on layering multiple hydrating products to ensure your skin is quenched with moisture—hyaluronic acid-based serums, moisturisers, and sheet masks are a great way to prep your skin ahead of a long day of travelling. Likewise, maintaining a focus on hydration once you’ve arrived at your destination will help your skin to quickly recover from any dehydration it may have experienced.